Evidence Gallery
Who is involved? The Visual Arts and Design Department
What I want to achieve? I want work on revamping the MYP/DP Visual Arts and Design Curiculum with the Department team
When does it need to be achieved? September 2023
How will I measure? Vertical plans for the department, Assessment criteria document, and meeting minutes
How will I know I’ve achieved it? Completed documents, Meetings with Department, completed plans in place, having team go on PD related to the curriculum, meeting minutes.
Will it be clear? Yes we will be working on the vertical plan, and revamping units and projects. We will use department meeting time, and arrange time of the schedule to work on this
Relevant/ Realistic
How is it relevant? Yes. We would like to scaffold more media and skills into the curriculum. The MYP Arts curiculum changed this year, so it is nessessary to revamp and change projects. We also
have a new team for art and design, so it makes sense to review the curriculum.
April 2022 - IB MYP Arts Seminar - to discuss the changes
February 2023 - Team time to work with team off timetable (half-day) to develop the curriculum (Vertical Plan + Assessment criteria). Look for PD for staff to attend to suppor the curriculum.
March 2023 - Meetings to futher work on curriculum and sourcing equiptment
April 2023 - Inventory, Prepare for presention to admin
May 20203 - Presentation to Admin about new equipment needed, half day off timetable to work on curriculum.
June 2023 - Get new equiptment/resources for next year
Septemeber 2023 - Start new Vericial Plans.