Online Learning 2019-2020

Artifacts from 2019-2020

Below are artifacts from the 2019-2020 school year! It was the most challenging year of my life, and also for teaching. In a nutshell, I have essentially been teaching online all year long. I started the year in treatment for breast cancer, and ended the year teaching classes virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. And my mother passed away in between all of this. I really persevered this year, and continued to teach through it all. During my cancer treatment, a supply teacher (Kate who was AWESOME) looked after my classes when I was too sick to attend school. I planned everything online, and the supply teacher carried out my plans.

My proudest moment was when I realized how strong I was, and how I managed to stay positive through it . Many told me that I inspired them. Though teaching through this was physically exhausting, this gave me the mental space that I needed to forget about my cancer and conquer the negativity that surrounded my illness. My wife, close friends and family, and teaching is what got me through it. A positive and forward thinking mindset proved to be the best cure and being surrounded and supported by good people.

Currently , it is hard for me to deconstruct and reflect upon everything that has happened in the past year in further depth. I believe images are powerful and document our lives well, so below is my 2019 -2020 story through my social media posts (in order from the start to the end of the year).